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Topper’s Secret to Score 100/100 in 10th Maths Board Exam

By Truemaths Tech,    Last Updated 23 Jul, 2023    8 min read

Topper’s Secret to Score 100/100 in 10th Maths Board Exam

Sweaty face, shivering hands, and a mind full of doubts! Board exams are nothing less than that. And when it has to do with calculations, formulae, and derivations, life gets difficult. We can absolutely understand your situation. Class 10th Maths board exam is a crooked pudding, indeed. You have a lot on your plate and eating without getting your hands dirty is next to impossible.

To score 100/100 in 10th Maths Board Exam is kind of a similar situation. But, our experts believe that you can totally nail it. Just a few things to follow and you are all set to Score 100/100 in 10th Maths Board Exam.

Score 100/100 in 10th Maths – Let’s see what our topper has to say!

How to score good marks in Maths class 10? If you are wondering how to get 100 marks in maths in 10th, then let us tell you about one of our last year’s toppers, Shrija Chauhan, when asked how has she scored 100/100 in Mathematics, her reply was absolutely cliche. Our younger students refused to believe and tried to dig deep to know that ‘one secret’ that got her score 100/100 in 10th Maths Board exam. We have got that secret sauce for you. Hold your breath and start reading further. This is going to change your life for good.

Strategize from Day 1

Yes, Day 1 is equally important as the final day of the exam. The moment you enter class 10, you must have this thought of scoring 100/100 in the exam. This is not a one-day miracle. It will take a strategy, a plan of action, and a lot of hard work and dedication. So, strategize your timetable and schedule from day 1. Once you have done this, you are good to go further with your learning.

Making a timetable and setting a learning routine for each day is as important as following it. So, once you are done with strategizing, start following the strategy properly. This will definitely help you to score 100/100 in 10th Maths Board exam. So, this is how you can score 100 in Maths class 10.

Read, Comprehend, Practice & Test

How to get full marks in Maths class 10? Mathematics is not just a combination of formulae and questions. But, it has to do a lot with these four steps: Read, Comprehend, Practice & Test. Once you read the formula, don’t just go on memorizing it. Instead, find the logic behind it. Comprehend it in the easiest way possible. If possible, try to find out where the formula actually derived from. Then, start practicing as many questions as possible on that particular formula. This is how to score good marks in class 10 maths.

The next is regular testing. If you are really passionate to score 100/100 in 10th Maths exam then it’s very important that you keep a regular track of your growth. You must test yourself from time to time. Not only this, compare your marks every time with your last performance. This will allow you to improve by 10x speed.

For more such tips on how to get centum in Maths and other subjects, how to get 100 percent in class 10, follow us on Instagram:

Master Mental Calculations

When we talk about scoring 100/100 in Mathematics, then it’s not even 99, it’s 100. So, first of all, understand the intensity and seriousness of the preparation required for this. Start working on your basic fundamentals of mental maths, Tables, number lines, etc. To score 100/100 in 10th Maths, first, try to become a Mathematics genius. Master Mental calculations as much as possible. Play Maths games, learn how to calculate on your tips, instead of plainly memorizing the formulae, try to understand where they have derived from. Once you do that, the journey of scoring 100/100 will become easier.

Find a Mentor

Yes, a mentor is surely required to score full marks in Maths. A person who is available 24*7 to clear your doubts or a place where you can ask questions anytime. It’s very important to get your doubts cleared from time to time. And you can only get a lot of doubts and you practice a lot of questions. So, try to solve as many questions as possible. Your daily to-do list must have previous year’s papers and sample papers to get it all done by the end of the session. To score 100/100 in 10th Maths is not that easy. Somebody to guide you throughout the journey of your preparation is very important.

The Night Before the Exam

The night before the exam should be spent relaxed and calm. Have a light dinner. Hydrate yourself a little. Listen to your favorite music for a while, go for a walk, or do whatever you find soothing for 15-20 minutes. Lay back and do the last-minute revision by going through everything once. Don’t stress yourself out. Then, go directly to bed and have a good night’s sleep. Scoring 100/100 in the Maths exam is just a step away. So, relax.

Even the thought that you have to score 100/100 in 10th Maths board exam will give you unnecessary panic, so discard this idea for a while and sleep well.

“The Top Secret”

When asked our topper, that what is the one top-secret to scoring 100/100 in class 10th Maths Board Exam, she said, there is no secret, actually. It’s only a secret as long as you don’t know it. Then, after taking a nano-second pause, she said, “Don’t miss out on Life”.

It even amazed the interviewer when she said this. How this little girl has cracked the essence of preparation so well. She said life is very important. A single exam should not change who you really are. Give your 100% in preparation and then don’t worry about the result at all. Life is very precious.

So, even while preparing, take care of your physical, emotional, and mental health. Come out of the rat race of scoring 100/100 and just be focused on enjoying the phase of preparation. Being Mathematics experts for more than 15 years, we have also seen so many passionate students. To score 100/100 in 10th Maths board exam, they start compromising their health. This leads to their downfall till the time they have their final exam. This is how to get good marks in maths class 10.

Experts Answered your Questions to Score 100/100 – FAQs

I want to share my worst problem in Mathematics. I try to study it but can’t. I skip giving my time to it and start studying other subjects. What should I do?

A great teacher once said that if you don’t like eating green vegetables, then start by eating green vegetables. If you cannot wake up early in the morning, start waking up early in the morning. It might sound a little vague but this can be life-changing. Challenge yourself, pluck up the courage and get it done. Maths is the most important subject for the 10 board exams. The best part is that you can even Score 100/100 in 10th Maths Board Exam. This will help you to improve your overall percentage.
Keep all these facts in mind and start with giving 45 minutes a day to Maths. Then, make it 1 hour slowly. It can be difficult in the beginning but later, you will find your way for sure.

How can I get 90% in the 10th Board exams?

There are so many students who question our experts: How to score 100 percent in class 10? To get an overall percentage of above 90% in the 10th Board exams is not that difficult if you strategize your study timetable. Make a strategy for the whole session and then, break down it into months, then weeks, and finally minimize it to a day. Start working accordingly.
Give the highest preference to Mathematics, Science, and Social studies. Dedicate at least an hour a day to these subjects. You can keep the languages for weekends. If you follow this for a year, nobody can stop you from scoring 90% in the 10th Board exams. And give your best to score 100/100 in 10th Maths Board Exam, this will lead you to get a good overall percentage, for sure.

What is the best and the easiest way to score 100/100 in Mathematics?

Being a Mathematics teacher for more than 15 years now, I can say one thing, there are many good ways to Score 100/100 in 10th Maths Board Exam but no great success comes easily. To get full marks in Maths, you have to be really consistent and dedicated throughout the session. The best way is to give at least one hour daily to basic calculations. One thing is certain, within 3 months, you will get the confidence to score full marks in board exams.

The next step is to practice as much as possible. I told you already, that to Score 100/100 in 10th Maths Board Exam cannot be easy. For the next 3 months, try to practice every NCERT question at least once.

Lastly, do the revision. It must have all the previous year’s class 10 Maths questions, class 10 mock tests, sample papers of Maths class 10th, and lots of questions from books other than NCERT Maths, like R.S. Aggarwal, R.D. Sharma, etc.
Our topper says, at this point in time, you are good to score 100/100 in 10th Maths Board Exam.

Do Class 10th Board Examination Marks even matter?

From a broader point of view, the marks in the class 10th board exam might not matter. But, if you think deeply, class 10th marks matter a lot in certain places. First of all, when you have to choose subjects for class 11, the marks will definitely matter. Secondly, to get that confidence in life, your marks matter. When a student works hard and gets the deserving result, he gets a lot of motivation to work even harder in different exams in life.
So, marks will definitely matter if you want to achieve something big in life. And, if you are here reading this, then you must try to score 100/100 in 10th Maths Board Exam, at least.

Hello, are pre-boards important in the 10th CBSE board exam 2022? 

According to our topper, Shrijia Chauhan, Pre-board exams are very important to identify the current level of preparation. They are meant to prepare you for the final 10th board exam. Your performance in pre-boards will help you to know how prepared are you for upcoming board exams. Especially, when we talk about Mathematics, your pre-board score will decide whether you will be able to score 100/100 in 10th Maths final exam or not.
According to Wikipedia, Moderation was also applied in the infamous CBSE keeps applying moderation to Mathematics papers like it did in Class 12 mathematics papers of 2015 and 2016. Wherein the paper created a huge furor as students and teachers complained that the paper was too tough. So, if you want to score 100/100 in 10th Maths board exam, then pre-boards will definitely prepare you for that.

I get tensed before my Maths exam and forget everything that I had studied. I am scared what if that happens in the 10th Maths board exam. How can I control it?

This Maths phobia is very common among students of your age. Calculations and formulae can scare almost anyone. One of the biggest reasons for this fear is a lack of preparation or it might be a possibility that your basic concepts of Mathematics are unclear.
The only solution is to master your mathematics calculations and practice as many questions as possible in a day. Learn different tricks to do the same question, short tricks, Vedic maths, and fundamentals of Mathematics will help you a lot. This will not only help you to get over your phobia but you can also score 100/100 in 10th Maths very easily.

Sir, I am studying in class 10th and preparing for my board exams this year. My biggest problem is the Mathematics board exam. I forget the formulae and am not very sure about my calculations. What to do?

Don’t worry. This happens with so many students every year. First of all, stop getting anxious about it and start working on it. First of all, stop memorizing the formulae. Instead, try to understand the logic behind them. Class 10th Maths textbook has some fascinating chapters, start with your favorite one. Practice the formulae, move on to the textbook examples, and finally the exercise questions.
Later on, you would love to solve Maths’ previous year papers and practice the mock tests at the time of your final preparation.

Is the NCERT textbook enough to prepare for class 10th board exams?

Yes, the NCERT book is enough if you want to score above average in your 10th board exam. Say, 80% is in your hands if you go through the book properly and do each and every question in it. But, in case, your target is to get 100/100 then other books will also be required, for sure. Start with practicing questions from R.S. Aggarwal and R.D. Sharma.
Along with these books, some cheat sheets, sample papers, practice papers, mock tests, and previous papers will do.

What are you waiting for?

As of now, we are expecting that you know all the secrets of our topper, Shrija. Now, it’s your time to nail 100/100 in the upcoming Maths exam. Score 100/100 in 10th Maths Board Exam. We are sure that you will rock. Do let us know if you have anything that you directly want to ask our experts. They can talk to you over the phone call to ease your preparation.


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