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Study at Home – Here Are 6 Tips to do it with ease

By Truemaths Tech,    Last Updated 22 Jun, 2023    8 min read

Study at Home – Here Are 6 Tips to do it with ease

“Get me a glass of water,” Dad Screamed. Hold on! I am coming. Mom in return. Oh, God! This studying at home becomes intolerable at times. Do you have the same story? We understand. Indian households are a busy place, indeed. Festivals after every month, relatives without prior notice, and if not this, then vendors selling in their loudest voices make it worse.

But, if you study at home, it has its own perks. The most tempting is that you can sit on the couch the whole day. This comfort of home is incomparable to anything else. But, how to fight distractions while studying at home? How to concentrate without procrastinating? And, what about the urge of scrolling on social media in every next minute?

Dreadful. Right? Don’t worry. We have got your back. Here are the easiest 6 Tips to Study at Home. Actually, these are not just tips but a life savior for your difficult days. 

6 Tips to Study at Home

Difficult days are full of insecurities. When you have your exam the next day and nobody is there to help at home. The days when you are in self-doubt that whether you will be able to score good or not. The days that are difficult to survive. Especially when you are studying at home and there is nobody to help you out. 

At this time, you need a survival kit. Somebody to help you out or some sure-shot formula to success. There are different ways to deal with these days. The first and foremost is, to be honest with yourself and trust yourself with what you are doing. Half of the battle is won here. 

The other half can be fought with these 6 tips. They will prove to be that success formula for you. Have a look. After reading this, you will understand that you must study at home once in awhile, and it is not a bad idea at all. 

Make an everyday To-do List

Being a student, it’s your responsibility to keep yourself away from distractions. You must prioritize your studies before anything else. The best way to do this is to know what you are doing and what you have to do in near future. 

Make a to-do list of your study timetable for a month. Sub-divide it for a week and cut it further for a day. It must be the first thing you do in the morning. Schedule your day in advance. Start with finalizing the subjects you are studying in a day. Write down the chapter or unit you are covering. If it’s a long chapter, mention the topics you are going to study at home on that particular day. 

Write down timestamps in front of your tasks. Try to finish your project in a given time. Keep a check on not just your study routine but also on the other things you are doing in a day. Like, you can assign yourself time to use social media. Or make your to-do list in such a way that you do not miss your favorite show on television.

We met some students who told us that to-do lists do not work for them. Are you one of them? Listen, it’s you who has not understood the process clearly. This is one of the best 6 Tips to Study at Home but if it’s not working for you then you are doing it wrong. 

Kindly make sure that you are not getting too hard on yourself. Assign yourself only those tasks which are possible in a day. Don’t overburden yourself. In the beginning, you will definitely find it difficult to follow the list fully. But, don’t give up on it. Eventually, you will develop a habit to follow up with all the tasks you have assigned yourself in a day. 

Benefits of making a to-do list everyday

To-do lists keep you organized. You will be not be rushing all your day once you start deciding your day’s routine in advance. This to-do list will create a discipline in not only your study routine but in your life as well. You will learn to finish your tasks on time. And on top of that, last-minute anxiety before exams will not threaten you anymore. So, give it a try for sure and share your experience with us.

Do a Vibe Check on a daily basis

Aj mood Nahi hai‘ is the most common excuse among students to skip their studies for a day. And it happens mostly with students who study at home. When you are in a coaching institute, you have multiple reasons to go there other than studies. You know what I mean. But, when it comes to studying at home, it gets monotonous at times. 

How to deal with this monotony? Vibe check. Yes, go find a good vibrant corner for yourself. Figure out the hours you did love to study in. Stick to it for a few days and once it starts getting dull again, change it. 

Keep a check on everything: The best time. The best place. Your productive hours. 

We have always heard that early morning is the best time to study. This is the time when one can focus efficiently. But, what if you spend half of the time dozing? No doubt, early morning is the best time to study but not for all of us. Find your best time.

Always make sure that the time and place you are choosing are calm and quiet. Try to keep only a few books with you. Sit in a well-lit area and if possible have some greenery around you.

Always understand your mental and emotional state and choose to study accordingly. After all, you know what works best for you. And if you study at home then you have to do this for yourself. 

Benefits of Vibe-check

You will always feel enthusiastic about your studies and will never get bored while you study at home. The minute you sense boredom, it’s your decision to take the right action. Eventually, you will develop a habit of mindful learning.

Bookmark Some Online Applications

You will be surprised to know that there is a phone application that can track the time you have spent in your studies. There is another app that can notify you to take a 5 min break. There are applications to check your grammar and spelling. There are others to teach you faster Mathematics calculations. 

In fact, there is a website where you can ask any question of your choice and you will get your answer in seconds. In fact, you will get a step-by-step solution for your question. Wonderful? isn’t it? 

All you have to do is to bookmark those applications and websites which seem to be helpful to you. Keep them handy and you are good to go. 

But, you have to be a little bit more cautious while using them. Don’t get trapped in distractions. We don’t want you to scroll on social media while you are studying. The best way is to keep your notifications off while you study at home. Also, keep track of your activities. Be aware of what you are doing. 

Benefits of using Online applications

Online applications and websites are the best way to learn efficiently. They can be a great tool to study at home. Even if you do not have access to the classroom, you can always learn from experts. Along with this, you can keep a track of everything, right from your syllabus to time management. 

Try Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is the best way that we have come across for self-studying. Dear students, always remember that it’s not about studying longer, it’s about studying smarter. This method of learning will help you to do that.

This is a six-step technique developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. In the first step, you have to decide on the task you have to do. Let’s say you have to learn a Science chapter and do some Maths worksheets in a day. Now set a timer for 25-30 minutes. Learn your chapter until the timer rings. Now, take a short 5-minute break when you study at home.

Now here is a trick. Most of you will quickly jump on to scrolling on your phone at this time. Don’t do that. Drink a glass of water, take a walk around your balcony or eat some nuts. Make good use of these 5 minutes. Get back to study after this. 

Repeat this cycle 4 times at least. After this, you can take a longer break depending on the task you have assigned yourself for a day. If you cannot be honest with yourself for a long time then set a timer and follow it at any cost.

Can you notice the fact, that this technique will ease your studies a whole lot? As in, 25-30 minutes is long enough to get small work done but not so long that it starts feeling monotonous.

Pomodoro Technique Benefits

This is the best time management technique to study efficiently. The Pomodoro technique will keep you encouraged throughout the process of learning. You will not get bored. And, if you utilize that 5 minutes break smartly, then it will boost your energy to study at home even for the next 8 hours. 

On top of it, if you want to get rid of the habit to check your smartphone every minute, the Pomodoro technique will help you for sure to study at home. 

Find a Home Tutor

Imagine, you are sitting on your couch. Not taking any tuition classes. Not going anywhere to study. You have plenty of time. And now you have a teacher at home to guide you at every step. Amazing, No? You don’t want to go outside but you can surely bring an expert home. A home tutor can be an asset for you at the time of exam preparation especially when you love to study at home.

You will get one-on-one attention and at the same time, the teacher can work on your weak areas more accurately. Private home tuition allows you to study at flexible hours. Meanwhile, it discards the monotony of study at home.

We have a group of highly qualified home tutors to work with students of all ages. These teachers will work on your concepts and due to personalized attention, you can be more focused on studies. We believe in quick feedback. So, you will be given a test every week to assess your growth. Our home tutors also help students with their homework, assignments, and typical projects while they study at home. 

Benefits of a Home Tutor

For most of the days, you need somebody to guide you. Learning is a constant process and it cannot be done without a good mentor. A home tutor can become that mentor for you. If you take somebody’s help, you can easily improve your scores directly to 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. 

Give yourself Brownie Points

Now that you have come a long way and have learned so many things in the process, don’t forget to reward yourself. Keep Patting your back from time to time for being consistent and following everything with honesty. After all, there are very few students who decide to study at home on their own. 

Give yourself brownie points at the end of every task. Let’s say if you have finished the decided chapters in the assigned time, then treat yourself with your favorite noodles or watch your favorite show. Don’t wait for anybody to praise you, instead become your own admirer. 

This you can do on weekends too. Every second Sunday of a month can be a break day. Here, you can do what you like. Play games, eat calories, roam a little, or do some art. 

Wait! Wait! Wait! Don’t take it as an advantage. Make strict rules. Brownie points and rewards are only for those who work hard. So, study a lot and once you achieve something even small, reward yourself. 

Benefits of Rewarding Yourself

A little applause and appreciation go a long way. In fact, it motivates you to work harder. So, why not become your own cheerleader? It’s very important to value yourself and your hard work. Feel confident about your abilities and don’t always doubt yourself. Give yourself credit even for your small achievements. This will help you to continue to study at home with the same zeal and enthusiasm. 

Bonus Tip

Breathe and be kind to yourself. Nobody is going to tell you this but don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s already wonderful in itself that you have the potential to study at home. Try to improve yourself every single day and work for your betterment. Trust the process of living and learning. Your decision to study at home is your strong point in itself. Make it your strength.

Also, to let you know, according to Wikipedia, a survey of 11,739 homeschooled students conducted in 2008 found that, on average, the students who study at home scored 37 percentile points above the students who take tuitions.

Our expert and learned home tutors are there to help in the process to study at home. We have the best home tuition in DehradunGwalior, Meerut, and so many other cities. Feel free to contact us. We are always there to help you.


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